Meeting the needs of stakeholders
is the main objective of DocFlow
Technological progress, the continuous demands of the market and the growing needs of the parties involved lead to a continuous improvement in the effectiveness of the Quality Management System and internal efficiency, as well as the quality and reliability of the services provided and the corporate image.
Our aim is to satisfy the requests of our Customers in a complete and continuous way, an increasingly selective and rewarding parameter, based on strategic choices that involve every field of action of the Company.
The level of quality achieved has been translated into a concrete and measurable concept in 2000 with the achievement of the UNI EN ISO 9001 Certification conferred by DNV - Det Norske Veritas Italia, and then renewed according to the new parameters in 2003 ( Vision 2000), for the field of Design, Development, Installation and Assistance of IT Document Management Systems. A certificate of merit that crowns the efforts of a company that has always been dedicated to achieving the best quality standards in order to respond more and more satisfactorily to customers' needs.
In 2010 we also extended the certification to the Service Area.
In 2015 we add UNI CEI ISO/IEC 27001 Certification, to guarantee the highest standards of security and quality in the provision of data and document processing services to our customers.
In recognition of the requirements of the highest level, in terms of quality and security, for subjects carrying out electronic document storage and certification of the related processes, in 2016 we are included in the list of accredited conservators published on the institutional website of AgID - Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale.
DocFlow is PEPPOL Access Point Certified
PEPPOL is a set of infrastructural elements and technical specifications promoted by the European Commission in the context of the CEF initiatives and which make interoperability between the various e-procurement systems possible, at cross-border level. AGID has introduced PEPPOL as a reference architecture to ensure interoperability in public eProcurement.
Recognition reserved for the most ambitious, high-performance companies with high growth potential.